Monday, March 1, 2010

Reaching the Unreached

Ever have those timely word moments? It just happened! I was about to head to bed for the night and thought "no, I kind of want to journal for a bit" then I thought "I want to read something out of my devo to get me going...oh wait its finished"

So I get looking at Christian links on my blog roll and thought "I wonder if Gregg has a new post" and he did.

So back to my main point about timely word. God has really been shaping my heart for the unreached ppl groups of the world and his post just hit the nail on the head.

To give you some background, Gregg works with Campus for Christ (an organization under Power to Change Ministries). Campus for Christ seeks to see the Great Commission fulfilled in our generation through movements of discipleship and evangelism on University Campuses.

Anyhow without further ado here is the post that challenged me. Praying for my part in this, how is God calling you to reach the unreached?

1000 Churches

According to the US Center for World Mission, there are 8000 people groups (out of 24,000 total in the world) who are considered “unreached.” They have not heard the gospel, and because of cultural, political or geographical barriers, they are isolated from hearing the gospel.

There are 8 million congregations with active believers around the world. Astonishingly, that means that for every unreached people group, there are 1000 churches.

We could finish the task by next Tuesday!!!

I wonder how we could mobilize more of our staff, students, donors and alumni to see these 8000 peoples reached? What if we had every one of our discipleship groups adopt a people group from and simply pray for them for one year? What if every partnership adopted 4-5 key people groups in that partnering nation that we would like to ask God to use us to reach? Maybe we send vision trips or even Jesus films to those areas as part of our summer projects. What if we challenged every church that we are affiliated with through our movement across Canada to adopt just one people group in prayer? What if every campus movement asked God to raise up missionaries for these people groups in the next 5 years?

Let’s get this job done! Let’s be the generation that sees the fulfillment of the Great Commission! It is ours for the taking!

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