Saturday, November 20, 2010

For that bare wall...

photo and art cred: Marissa's post on Little Green Notebook

So as soon as you walk into my apartment you will be greeted by a very bare wall. It has some nails in it, but that's about it. I have pondered for a while as to what to do with it.

It then struck me that since I LOVE taking pictures I should go around Montreal with my camera and take some shots of places or buildings I love. Then I can create a similar look with some black and white shots and some dollar store painted frames.

I think I shall purchase some frames tomorrow :D


Jess Versteeg said...

bear = animal
bare = nothing on it.

i was confused as to how a wall could be made out of bears at first lol.

Unknown said...

see someone told me it was the other way around and then i got soo confused!

Loni said...

This will look great...dollarama has some 'mazing stuff!

Asian girl Sex said...
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Melany said...

Nice idea!