Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Reflections/2011 Resolutions

With 2011 right around the corner, I decided to reflect on some of the things God taught me/is still teaching me. Here were some of the lessons of 2010:

  1. My relationship w the Lord is not dependent upon my works {ie. Just bc I pray and read my bible doesn’t mean that God is obligated to answer, BUT it also doesn’t mean He is not there}
  2. I ultimately decide what I will spend my time meditating on {ie. will I choose to believe the lies the enemy whispers, or when he tempts me or will I choose to meditate on the truth of Christ}
  3. Being content has nothing to do with materialism. If I try to fill my life with material possessions or things that will ultimately perish I will be unsatisfied. It's only when I realize that I don't deserve the common or saving grace of God; then my heart will be overjoyed.
  4. Christ's work on the Cross is ridiculously powerful/awesome. When I read this: {} slow and break it down, God reminds me of His Greatness
2010 has been a interesting year to say the least. I put my life into boxes and moved from Ontario to Montreal, QC. I spent many nights in tears wondering "what have I done, why am I here? I HATE IT!"

This past year, I also saw God do a number on my heart {we are talkin, complete 180 here peeps}. I saw tears of pain, stubborness and confusion turn into a love for Quebec and the Quebecois. A love so strong that even after a long day w annoying people, I could still go home or to Young Adults and feel God tugging at my heart saying "Vive le Quebec".

I know all these will be life long lessons, but I must say I am thankful for the work God has carried out this past year.

Now for what I am looking forward to or New Years resolutions you could say?

  1. More memorizing of Scripture. Beth Moore mentioned in one of her blogposts that we WILL medidtate on something, so what's it going to be? I have decided to take part in her scipture memory exercise if you will for this 2011 yr. Check out the instructions here: {}
  2. Study God's word on the topic of resources {ie. financial, material possessions}. I need to be a better steward of what God has entrusted me with.
  3. Live more simply {only what I need and be more generous in my giving}
  4. Improve my French on all levels {oral, written, reading}.
  5. Be more intentional about sharing my faith
So those are the goals that are currently on my head/heart for the 2011 year. I'd LOVE to hear what God has taught you this past year and resolutions you have for the up and coming one! And in keeping with the French theme: heureuse nouvelle année! {Happy New Year ;D}

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Great stuff, Amanda!! I am planning on writing my own blog post soon summing up 2010 and what I hope to do in 2011. I am definitely going to join Beth Moore's Scripture memory exercise, that will be fantastic! =D
