With 2011 right around the corner, I decided to reflect on some of the things God taught me/is still teaching me. Here were some of the lessons of 2010:
2010 has been a interesting year to say the least. I put my life into boxes and moved from Ontario to Montreal, QC. I spent many nights in tears wondering "what have I done, why am I here? I HATE IT!"- My relationship w the Lord is not dependent upon my works {ie. Just bc I pray and read my bible doesn’t mean that God is obligated to answer, BUT it also doesn’t mean He is not there}
- I ultimately decide what I will spend my time meditating on {ie. will I choose to believe the lies the enemy whispers, or when he tempts me or will I choose to meditate on the truth of Christ}
- Being content has nothing to do with materialism. If I try to fill my life with material possessions or things that will ultimately perish I will be unsatisfied. It's only when I realize that I don't deserve the common or saving grace of God; then my heart will be overjoyed.
- Christ's work on the Cross is ridiculously powerful/awesome. When I read this: {http://bit.ly/gxw8q} slow and break it down, God reminds me of His Greatness
This past year, I also saw God do a number on my heart {we are talkin, complete 180 here peeps}. I saw tears of pain, stubborness and confusion turn into a love for Quebec and the Quebecois. A love so strong that even after a long day w annoying people, I could still go home or to Young Adults and feel God tugging at my heart saying "Vive le Quebec".
I know all these will be life long lessons, but I must say I am thankful for the work God has carried out this past year.
Now for what I am looking forward to or New Years resolutions you could say?
- More memorizing of Scripture. Beth Moore mentioned in one of her blogposts that we WILL medidtate on something, so what's it going to be? I have decided to take part in her scipture memory exercise if you will for this 2011 yr. Check out the instructions here: {http://bit.ly/gxzLZe}
- Study God's word on the topic of resources {ie. financial, material possessions}. I need to be a better steward of what God has entrusted me with.
- Live more simply {only what I need and be more generous in my giving}
- Improve my French on all levels {oral, written, reading}.
- Be more intentional about sharing my faith
1 comment:
Great stuff, Amanda!! I am planning on writing my own blog post soon summing up 2010 and what I hope to do in 2011. I am definitely going to join Beth Moore's Scripture memory exercise, that will be fantastic! =D
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