I realized something in the past few weeks on listening to sermons. I realized that I am not ok with pastors being arrogant about upholding traditions or rules that are not biblical (God glorifying). It actually really makes me mad. Why is that you ask? I think that it has the potential for that individual and their followers to become self-righteous and cult-like.
What I realized I am ok with? Is pastors who are not afraid to be arrogant towards me in communicating God's truth. Part of me finds it refreshing? Weird I know! Or maybe that is my initial reaction to those who won't speak a word of God's truth!
But I know that what I should be swaying towards is one that upholds God's word, but communicates it in love.
I think that Proverbs 11:1 is more than relevant:
"A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is His delight"
And where in this balance does Mark Driscoll lie in your mind?
haha, i feel as though this would be better discussed in person! see you at staff con?
I am curious about your thoughts about Mr. Driscoll as well. But I will definately not be seeing you at Staff Con. haha. anyway, we probably wouldn't also be seeing each other...um in person. or somethiing. anyway I hope your summer has been going splendid.
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