Hearing prayers, worship and a devo in French last night touched my heart in a way its NEVER been touched before. I absoloutely love this language and have never wanted to learn it more! I even understood quite a few words and phrases last night in French :D {before the translator translated them to English}.
In lieu of all this, these are things I am working towards:
1. Become fluent in French {as much as I possibly can: reading, written and oral}
2. Be able to carry out a Spiritual Conversation en francais
3. Go to Paris on a missions trip
4. Seriously consider some form of full time ministry in some part of the French speaking world
Thank you for birthing this desire Lord, but please help me keep my eyes set on you. You can easily change my ministry if you so choose and I don't want my ministry to be my idol.
I remember having this experience when first learning Romanian. It feels sooo good to get ahead of the translator, and then have them confirm your mental translation. :)
J'ai etudie le francais aussi, et je n'avais pas aimer la langue avant de l'etudier, mais maintantant, je pense que c'est belle. Mais j'ai termine avec mes etudes a l'universite, et je pense que j'ai oblie beaucoup....
Have you seen The Chorus/Les Choristes? It is my favorite French movie.
Woah, your French is SOO GOOD! I am NO where near your level, but hope to be some day :D
And I haven't seen the movie Les Choristes but would love to check it out!
Thanks :) It's not as good as it might appear though- college french, so it's easier to write than speak. I wouldn't say i'm too conversational, although i'd love to be. For that, it's better learning the language in context, and you have that opportunity, and will pick it up quickly, i hope! I learned Romanian that way, and it's still a lot easier for me.
Well, at least i gave you something to practice. :) Translation: I also studied french, and i didn't like the language until I started to study it, but now i think it's beautiful. But I finished my studies at college, and I think that I've forgotten a lot....
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