She's been there for me in SO MANY WAYS!
Here's the story:
I met her in my first year philosophy class and she noticed that I got a realllly bad mark on my paper {or test} and befriended me right away.
That same day I went out to a Bible Study she was in with Campus for Christ and FNOTR {weekly mtg for C4C}
It wasn't too long after that we started hanging out more often. Whether it was taking CRAZY pics on her webcam in the wee hrs of the morning or me calling her multiple times a day to ask for advice on certain things, {only to have her remind me to pray first ;D} she's been a great friend.
As our University years carried on we spent many Summits pushing our beds together to keep warm, eating crazy chocolate cake at Cogro, late night study sessions at stauffs and hp or random trips to DQ for a pepsi on ice.
And the bonding didn't stop there! In Summer 2008 Jess joined staff with Campus for Christ and was placed in Montreal, QC. Her dream come true. It was also that summer that God placed a burden on my heart for the French speaking world {through her support presentation}.
A year later I found myself heading for Montreal, QC and Jess arrived shortly after {literally a day after}. It's now 2011, and though we don't see each other as much as we used to {and yes, we live in the same city}. She will always be a dear friend of mine. We are complete opposites in SO many ways, but there are SO many other things that seal our friendship {the 3 p's for example=pepsi, poutine and prayer}.
So my dear Jess, I wish you nothing but the best as you start your journey with this great guy! He is SO LUCKY to have you in his life and I know he feels the same way.
Je t'aime mon amie <3
fyi that last pic was taken by another good friend Lydia Low, but my blog isn't letting me edit :(
You are happy for her because? She is engaged? :)
haha i totally want to post some of those webcam pictures, but we're pretty BAD looking in them!
@Jess, post a few that we don't look as bad in?
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