Thursday, February 7, 2008

mmm jazz...oh how I LOVE THEE!

So today while studying for a midterm I was looking thru my playlists knowing I needed something non vocal to concentrate. That left me with the option of classical music. I wanted something smooth though. So on my itunes I hit the radio function and saw Jazz, so I quiclkly clicked on that. I listened to a few and then I found one station that played song after song of pure WOW factor of 12 on a scale of 1-10 (hahaha). The station is called "Absoloutley smooth jazz on sky fm". So if you are like me and love non vocal jazz, check it out on your itunes or you can google it and listen to it that way! Enjoy (I sure am!)


Jenna Dowling said...

Jazz music is so pretty - I listen all the time. Thanks for the link, I will be checking out that station soon!!!
Love yah sweetie

Anonymous said...

mmmmm Jazz makes my happier than a monkey swinging on a tire in the zoo.... and we all know that monkey is super happy!

~*Rebecca*~ said...

Oh Amanda the things you learn about the people you know when you go to their

I absoltely love love Jazz...and now I will be googling it foSho...

I miss you and I love you always..