Monday, July 5, 2010

On my nightstand

If any of you know me well I always have about 10 books on the go. Its so hard for me to finish a book in a decent amount of time. I was very impressed to have finished Tim Keller's Prodigal God in under a month!

Anyhow this is what is currently on my nightstand:
-Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn
-My Life in France by Julia Child
-Father, I long for a heart that dances (bible study) by Catherine Martin
-ESV Study Bible
-Shoo, Jimmy Choo by Catey Hill

So, what books are on your nightstand?


Emily Morrice said...

1. Heart That Dances (Catherine Martin) as well!
2. Reformation Study Bible (ESV)
3. French Women Don't Get Fat

Unknown said...

Almost done the first study, how are you finding it?

Kristen said...

Books on my nightstand:

-I also have Money, Possessions and Eternity, which I recently finished!! It was SO convicting...look for me to post about it soon!
-Three Cups of Tea (also finished) - great book!!
-Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris
-Heaven by Randy Alcorn
-The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
-Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper

I have been trying to commit to finishing a book before starting another, but that hasn't been going as well as I had hoped. >_< It's so hard to resist the allure of new books!

Unknown said...

@Kristen, I know the feeling! So impressed when I actually finish a book.
One book I really want to read by Randy Alcorn is "Safely Home" I hear its amazing!!!

Hansen Lung said...

1. ESV Study Bible
2. A Normal Christian Life - Watchman Nee
3. Humility and Absolute Surrender - Andrew Murray (been tackling this one for 3 years now)
4. Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility - D.A Carson (this one for 4)
5. The New Park Street Pulpit vol.1,2,3 and 4)- C.H Spurgeon (well this one I knew it would take longer considering these are sermon transcripts of Spurgeon sermons)

Kristen said...

@ Amanda: OH MY GOSH YES, read Safely Home!! It is an amazing, amazing book!!! :D