Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ranch Dressing

I REALLY enjoy dipping my carrots and any other veggie in a little ranch dressing. But, eating veggies with fattening dip is kind of an oxymoron. So I decided to do some research and find out which guys are less fattening and see what to buy when I don't have time to make my own.

Here are my discoveries {generally 2tbsps in serving} from {LOVE this site!}
Kraft Dressings
Kraft Ranch Dressing 110 calories, 300 mg sodium
Kraft Light Ranch Salad Dressing 70 calories, 220 mg sodium
Kraft Caloriewise Ranch Dressing 35 calories, 170 mg sodium
Kraft Fat Free Ranch Dressing calories 50, 330 mg sodium
{Kraft you have WAY to many selections!}

Hidden Valley Dressings
Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing 140 calories, 260 mg sodium
Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing (light) 80 calories, 290 mg sodium

Renees Dressing
Rennes Gorument Buttermilk Ranch Dressing 60 calories, 125 mg sodium

Store Brand and No Name Versions
Presidents Choice Ranch Dressing 50 calories, 135 mg sodium
Presidents Choice Blue Menu Salad Dressing Light Ranch 30 calories, 105 mg sodium
Great Value Light Buttermilk Ranch Dressing 80 calories, 290 mg sodium
No Name Ranch Dressing 60 calories, 150 mg sodium
No Name Light Ranch Dressing 35 calories, 170 mg sodium
Compliments Creamy Ranch Dressing 60 calories, 160 mg sodium
Our Compliments Light Ranch Salad Dressing 45 calories, 0 mg sodium

And last but not least:
Homemade Ranch Dressing {Low Fat} calories 62, 91 mg sodium

So as you can see Our Compliments Light Ranch Salad dressing is the way to go! It's even better than homemade. I'll be heading to Fresh Co {or IGA if your in Quebec!} to pick up a bottle when my veggie garden is in full bloom.

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